Mentzendorff Summer Briefing
Last Friday, the Mentzendorff team gathered for our annual “Summer Briefing” followed by the much-anticipated Summer Party!
This year ‘The Big Smoke Events’ hosted a Mentzendorff Scavenger Hunt, which saw the team spilt into 6 groups. To win the hunt, all teams had to complete a list of; snap, find, action tasks around London Bridge. Though rainy, spirits were still high, and all teams powered on. We enjoyed a great amount of camaraderie, and a healthy amount of competition, with Team 5 bringing home the prize- congratulations Eve, Enya, Rosie, Colm, Iain, and Ryan!
After the Hunt, we all gathered in our office courtyard for a much-deserved spot of food and a glass of wine! This year the food was prepared by Burger Post, a family founded business who use trendy vans to provide delicious burgers sourced from local butchers in West Sussex. The burgers though messy, were divine!
Thank you to the presenters and Lara and Vanya for organising the Summer Party, and congratulations Vanya and Ailsa for winning joint-Stars of the Quarter!