Bollinger Tent at Twickenham
Last weekend marked the end of the Autumn Nations Test Series, which means the Bollinger Tent at Twickenham has closed its doors once more (at least for a little while).
Overall, the Autumn Nations welcomed Bollinger’s inaugural modern tent design for another year of post-rugby celebrations. Rugby fans swarmed into the tent after full time whistles were blown and the marquee saw its highest number of guests recorded to date with queues stretching around the fan village to view the new design and taste two of Champagne Bollinger’s fan favourite products: Special Cuvée and Rosé.

The new tent design evoked all the senses with a clean, modernised feel, garden area and a range of lighting which revealed a specially designed neon Bollinger sign in the outdoor space (greatly appreciated by all as the perfect backdrop to a “selfie” moment).
This year, a record breaking quantity of champagne was purchased and consumed by attendees. A special thanks goes to all of the Mentzendorff team who attended the matches and hosted guests, along with Peachy Productions for their support in tent and stock organisation as well as Nik and Caroline for providing us with their delicious, hearty winter menu.
Many of us are already looking forward to the Six Nations Rugby Championships, kicking off with the Calcutta Cup match held at Twickenham on 4th February 2023.